Dental Whitening

Teeth whitening is a dental treatment that aims to improve dental aesthetics. Given this, among its advantages is the elimination of tooth stains and the making of indentations, get a whiter, and brighter shade. The current popularity of aesthetics has turned this dental procedure into one of the most sought after in recent years, and one of the most expensive, causing the dental market to expand its horizons.

Tooth enamel is very delicate, and a bad practice in terms of treatment can cause serious tooth damage. It should also be borne in mind that not all treatments are the same, nor are they performed with the same procedures; it all depends on the diagnosis and the needs of the patient.

How can I prevent my teeth from turning yellow?

One of the main factors that cause the darkening of the color of your teeth is the passage of time. If a tooth whitens, it will darken again over time (not like the initial condition, but it will darken, it is inevitable). In order for this degree of bleaching to last over time, it is necessary to take maintenance measures, including, over time, some processing but nothing immediately after bleaching.

• Foods & Do Not Brush Your Teeth
On the other hand, there are foods and drinks that affect the color of your teeth before, during d
he after bleaching. But what really affects me the most are the inadequate hygiene measures (not brushing your teeth after every meal; it also matters, as you know this); drinks that stain or darken should be avoided; and diets with colorful foods should also be checked.

• Smoking
Smoking should also be avoided, although if you are a smoker, bleaching may be much less effective. In people who smoke or take some kind of tooth darkener (such as coffee), combined with poor oral hygiene, it makes the tooth more likely to become dark. This type of obscuration is less important than obscuration caused by other factors, as this is at the external level.

Severe tooth extraction is associated with factors that darken the tooth from the inside, such as: disease, taking medication, problems that cause tooth staining in a stronger and more severe way.

Pastes Do not Whiten Teeth
And one thing you should know is that “whitening toothpastes” do not exist, it is a myth. There are no whitening toothpastes, they just restore the tooth to its original color, but do not really whiten them.

True teeth whitening toothpastes can not be bought in pharmacies, supermarkets or online because they are whitening toothpaste products, and can be whitened, but it should be a dentist who supplies them and explains how to use them. . It is not a treatment that a patient has to apply alone.
In other words, doing it would be the equivalent of self-medication.

In short, pharmacies can currently distribute toothpaste

with a hydrogen peroxide content not exceeding a concentration of 0.1% (or urea peroxide of 0.3%).

However, other toothpastes may be marketed in an effort to restore the tooth to its original color and help reduce the yellow tone it may take over time, with the aim of helping to promote elimination. of surface stains on teeth, and preventing their formation.

Both the first and the second are a proper complement when performing a whitening treatment indicated, and always supervised by the dentist. In these cases, specialized and personalized attention is needed. Dental health is not a game, even if it is not normally an advantage in the eyes of the patient, who considers it a purely aesthetic requirement.

Photos From patients

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